Kizoku Kirin Tubo Mosfet 18350-18650
The Kirin Mosfet Tube is produced by Kizoku, made entirely of Stainless Steel and has a Compact Design. Your Box Mod will be compatible with Atomizer with a diameter of 22mm, but it has a very variable length; in fact this tube thanks to its extension adapter (included in the package)
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not disperse in the environment.
In case of contact with eyes and skin, wash with plenty of water and soap.
If you feel unwell, contact a doctor.
Keep locked up.
The Kirin Mosfet Tube is produced by Kizoku, made entirely of Stainless Steel and has a Compact Design. Your Box Mod will be compatible with Atomizer with a diameter of 22mm, but it has a very variable length; in fact this tube thanks to its extension adapter (included in the package) can accommodate inside a single 18350 battery and a single 18650 battery (not included). The Mosfet Circuit supports a Resistance Range between 0.2-3.0Ohm, furthermore, being this tube controlled by a Mosfet, it has a protection against short circuit, holes for battery vent and the physical block by unscrewing the lever to prevent accidental ignition. An excellent product that will attract the attention of all Vapers and the world of the Electronic Cigarette.
Dimensions: 24x50mm
Material: Stainless Steel
Resistance Range: 0.2-3.0Ohm
Output voltage: 3.5V
Battery: 18350 and 18650 (not included)
Attack: 510
Atomizer: 22mm
1x Kirin Mosfet Tube
1x Extension for 18650 Battery
1x User Manual