Tabacchificio 3

Tabacchificio 3 Flavor Blend Misr 20ml
Atmosphere of an Arab souk for those who want to enjoy the intriguing flavors of the best oriental tobaccos protagonists of this blend, but without distorting the presence of the excellent qualities of Virginia used in the blend and in a very distinct way, the Perique used in modest quantity gives the mixture a pinch of spiciness.
Tabacchificio 3 Flavor Oriental 20ml
Perique is a rare tobacco grown and processed in St. James Parish in Louisiana. Often used as a condiment, it gives the blends in which it is contained a fruity and spicy flavor.
Tabacchificio 3 Flavor Perique 20ml
Perique is a rare tobacco grown and processed in St. James Parish in Louisiana. Often used as a condiment, it gives the blends in which it is contained a fruity and spicy flavor.
Tabacchificio 3 Cigar Blend Dulce Oscuro 20ml
Cigar Blend is an extract of all the parts that make up a cigar, the goal is to find in an extract all the nuances that can be enjoyed in a fine cigar.
Tabacchificio 3 Aroma Virginia Red 20ml
Virginia Rosso belongs to the Flue Cured class. Only the highest leaves of the plant are subjected to this process. The typical color of the leaf is the result of the curing process that occurs during the treatment, causing the leaf to darken and produce an intense and distinct tobacco flavor.
Tabacchificio 3 Flavor Nova Roma 20ml
Nova Roma is a wonderfully complex blend. The subtle citrus notes of blonde Virginia harmoniously support the more robust flavors of dark Virginia. Burley gives body to the blend, while a good dose of oriental Yenidje, give it a bright, ethereal, incense-like, but at the same time sweet smell and taste. round and creamy.
Tabacchificio 3 Flavor Blend Shavanee 20ml
The Virgins set the theme of this blend, while the Kentucky and Perique act as variations that alter throughout the duration of the vape. An incredible blend with its own evolution and for this reason it does not tire and also lends itself to more meditative vaping.